New Story published in "Professor Feiff's Compleat Pocket Guide to Xenobiology" by JayHenge Publishing

My sci-fi murder mystery "Narcissa, her Dog, and the Diary" is now available in the eBook Professor Feiff's Compleat Pocket Guide to Xenobiology.

Purchase on Amazon here

The collection contains over 30 stories about alien plants and animals.

This story was actually inspired by reading about lichen in a book about fungus in Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake. I wanted to write a story about biology and about our relationship with dogs. I was also thinking, of course, about the myth of Narcissus and wondering if I could write a story where narcissism isn't necessarily "bad" but understandable.

Content Warning: Some human and animal deaths (not very graphic), some characters with anxiety/mental illness
