New Story Published in Bear Creek Gazette Issue 10

 My story, "The Mules" was published in Bear Creek Gazette.

Check it out here: The Mules | Bear Creek Gazette (

Genre: Sci-Fi/dystopia

Length: ~3500 words

Author Notes: I wrote this story for a call that asked the writers to imagine an outdated technology becoming useful again. I was reading about mules and learned that during pre-industrial times, they were an extremely valuable commodity. This was one of humanity's first experiments with genetic engineering. So I tried to imagine a world where mules would be useful again. The fact that mules are infertile helped spark the lead character, Jordan, who was born without sex organs. I tried to imagine a society where infertility was common and fertility was so precious, so both Jordan and mules would be needed but also looked down upon.

Content Warnings: Animal deaths (somewhat graphic), terminal illness, the lead character faces prejudice/ignorance due to her asexuality, infertility, and status as an intersex person.


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